Financial Advisor Ted Nozaki's English Home

To secure your future

Protect your assets on your own
Start planning for the future now
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Education funding

Your child’s educational fund
Attending college in America requires thousands of dollars.
Are you prepared?
401k rollover

Job switching and unemployment is not uncommon and may fall upon anyone.
What steps should you take in the event?

Is it possible to spend a stable, fulfilled life on Social Security checks after retirement?
life insurance

Is your life insurance updated to the newest regulations?

Investing your money in a stable source, instead of simply storing money in a bank.
long-term care

Be wise and prepared so that expensive long-term care costs do not burden your family or yourself.
Free Consultation >

Plans offered by trustworthy Providers

Prudential Nationwide

Pacific Life   Allianz
and More..
How we help you >

Utilize professional advice to plan your future
career enhancement

Utilize your free time to enhance career and get financial freedom.

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Ted Nozaki

Financial Advisor Ted Nozaki


Assure that your assets will not decrease
  (Not let the economy impact your assets)
We won’t take any risks
  (Won’t invest money on a gamble)

Plans offered from trustworthy companies
and more
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